NEON Data Institute 2017: Remote Sensing with Reproducible Workflows

What is NEON?

The National Ecology Observatory Network (NEON) based on Boulder (Colorado) organizes every year a Data Institute course in order to provide critical skills for scientists working with heterogeneous spatio-temporal data to address ecological questions. This year the topic was: Remote Sensing with Reproducible Workflows



There were 2 main goals:

  • Learn how to access and use the data generated by any of the 58 observatories distributed around the USA.
  • Develop reproducible workflows which allow to collaborate with other scientists.

After being selected to do so, for the last month I’ve been involved with them, actually the last week of the course was at NEON headquarters. Thanks to this fact, I’ve got familiar with the teams of developers and scientists who address both scientific questions and solutions at NEON.

Regarding to sensor networks, I’ve been in touch with Cove Sturtevant, who is in charge of the development of the Flux Towers. Actually he explained me how it works, how to deploy them and which are the main issues of their maintenance.

Personal Project at NEON

A 30 minutes presentation was required for every assistant. The goal was to show the knowledgement adquired for the last month and discuss it with instructors and colleages. In my case, i focused on Phenocams! Why? The main reason is that I’ve built my own Phenocam at Iecolab, so it was a great opportunity for came back to Spain with a very useful project.

My Phenocam project at NEON is found following this link:


Feel free to use it if you consider it.

Entrada anterior
Workshop for the development of a land use change model
Entrada siguiente
Workshop on Data Assimilation (Lisbon, 10-11th July) – ECOPOTENTIAL PROJECT

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