Seguimiento C. Global (V)

Full title

Support for the tasks performed by the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory, 2012.

Project Detail

  • Date: 2012-2013
  • People involved: Grupo de Ecología en el IISTA-Ceama
  • Funding Organisation: Consejeria de Medio Ambiente
  • Budget: 168.400€


Collection of historical information on a range of mountains of Sierra Nevada. First we dive in ancient uses maps , land registry and other documentary sources to learn how vegetation cover was Sierra Nevada in recent history . But knowing the appearance of the landscape is only part of the story . It is also essential to know how that landscape is used. To do collect information on historical exploitations in our mountains, acorns , wood, mushrooms, honey , etc. Finally we will make an effort to try to learn more about how the climate of Sierra Nevada was in the past. We collect climatic series of schools , municipalities and other diffuse sources.

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